Patch vs. Corrective Care

When I talk about patching the issue, symptoms are only the tip of the iceberg. When we need to look at getting rid of the underlying problem. In our office we call that a neuro-structural shift in the spine that is causing many secondary conditions/symptoms to happen in the body.
What comes up most of the time is when people reach a point in their care when they are feeling good again, which is awesome! But we are not only trying to patch the surface of the problem. We are focused on correcting the underlying problem so you don't have to experience the same types of symptoms over and over again.
There is more to your body and nervous system than just getting pain free. I talk about this in my exam, but the sensory part of the nerve is only 10% and if we judged your care off of how you feel then we would be missing 90% of the underlying problem.
How long will this take is another concern to many patients. We have to keep in mind that everybody’s body is different so there is not one right answer to this question. If you want to think back on when the pain started and how long it has been there before you decided to do something about it. Take that time and double it to allow us enough time for your areas to be corrected and to let your body heal.
When you have an underlying neuro-structural shift in your spine it will start to cause degeneration and long term damage the longer you wait to get it corrected. Even when you are out of pain, there is still degeneration going on underneath until it gets corrected.
We want to correct the main issue and keep it corrected! Do you want to patch the primary issue or get it corrected?
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