The Benefits of Adding Probiotics to Your Lifestyle

There is so much to say about probiotics, but these hit the main points!

Gut Health: Bacteria can be good for you! 

  • The gut is the only organ system that can perform its functions without the oversights of the brain. 
  • There are 500-2,000 species of micro-organisms in a healthy body. 
  • 99% of the body's microbiome is found in the digestive tract. 
  • 70% of your immune system is located in your gastro-intestinal tract 
  • 3 1/2 pounds of bacteria make up the microbiome and help protect against infection and support healthy metabolism. 
  • 90% of the guts visceral nerves carry information from the gut to the brain where it is interpreted as emotions. 

Health Benefits 

  1. Probiotics help balance the good bacteria in your digestive system. 
  2. Increase immune system function.
  3. Increase digestive system function. 
  4. Create a healthy, balanced environment in your gut to promote gut health. 

There is research out there that show they are useful for problems including:

  • Skin conditions (eczema), urinary and vaginal healthy,  diarrhea, IBS, preventing allergies and colds, and oral health AND MORE!! 


KOMBUCHA is my favorite way to get probiotics into my diet. I started making my own kombucha a few months ago because a friend was doing it and I 💙 it! It is so easy and in my opinion it tastes better than store bought. 

You can flavor it with fruit. Our favorites are peach and mango 😋 

More examples of probiotics are below: 

  1. Yogurt
  2. Kiefer
  3. Sauerkraut 
  4. Tempeh 
  5. Kimchi 
  6. Miso
  7. Kombucha
  8. Pickles 
  9. Traditional Buttermilk
  10. Nato 
  11. Some Cheeses 

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